Insider Overview :: Chart

We currently provide live last price data from Chi-X and CX2 and delayed last price data from the TSX/V. In the snapshot area at the top of the company page, we will show the most recent last price available. Click on the "Additional price/volume" link to launch a pop-up window which provides the most recent price and time from the three data sources.

Please note that in the snapshot, we report the daily volume, as well as high and low prices from the combined data sources. Daily price changes are based on the close from the listing exchange (such as the TSX or TSXV). Historical volume, as well as 52-week high and low prices are also from the listing exchange.

The chart identifies all types of SEDI equity insider transactions at reported prices in relation to daily market price of the stock. The prices are reported by the insiders. INK may remove certain reported prices from the chart when we can reasonably determine that a filing error was made. Any questions about reported transaction prices should be directed to the company. To see more detail such as whether the public market transactions are buys or sells, consider buying an INK Research company report.